
Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills is an essential part of the National Curriculum and helps children to see how the Earth has changed over time. At Black Firs, we bring geography alive for children through educational visits, practical investigations, and inspiring research projects and case studies. We believe that impactful learning needs to happen holistically. We need to make geography relevant to our children so they gain an individual understanding of their impact on the environment. Children need to understand that they are living in a time of continual change on our planet.

Geography at Black Firs Primary School centres on the impact the environment has upon us and the effect we have upon our environment.

We believe that for good learning to take place, children need to have sufficient knowledge, understanding and skills of the particular unit being studied. The teaching of geography will follow an enquiry approach. At Black Firs we work with a holistic, creative approach around a central theme for the term. The geography taught is closely linked to the main topic to keep it relevant for the children.

At Black Firs we are very aware that children need to use and apply geographical understanding in everyday contexts. We not only concentrate on the knowledge and skills detailed in the National Curriculum. Children have the opportunity to explore, experience and understand why geography is important in our lives. To encourage greater understanding and more creative communication, we adopt the schools creative process when teaching geography.

Our Geography Mindmap

*When using the Mindmap, to view evidence for statements, click on the  at the end of each statement or the  on the right of the page to follow links to Earwig where the evidence is stored. You will need to log in with the details - User: and the Password: Parent1

Geography Earwig Timeline

To view the timeline, click on the image above. You will need to log in with the details - User: and the Password: Parent1

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Updated: 01/12/2023 124 KB